As a new Buddy, you were born into either the Green Team or Blue Team and would be a member of that team for the duration of your employment. I (Kass) might have gotten this idea from the #sortinghat and “house cup championship” in the #HarryPotter novels. (But I digress.)
Some of our all-team meetings included team games that were typically activities anyone could participate in and enjoy, regardless of athleticism. A favorite was our annual spring kickball game. Most people can kick a big red ball. Even if it only went a few feet (like mine), it didn’t matter because the laughing and cheering brought us together.
These teams created a sense of #belonging throughout Buddy Media. Buddies identified with and took pride in their teams. They kept their team-colored headbands on their desk and wore their team T-shirts to work even when there was no activity. They got to know #coworkers they might never have known because they shared a #teamspirit and bond. And we knew that regardless of which team won, the bonding among and between the members was immense.
#TeamGames #CompanyCulture #TeamBuilding
James Altucher Josue Pena Pat Flynn Justin Dry Amber Lilyestrom Kass Lazerow Michael Lazerow